small Business loans
GAP Financing
MCDEVCO uses GAP Financing to assist small businesses in Marathon County. MCDEVCO collaborates with area financial institutions, municipalities, and other agencies to complete loan transactions for new and expanding businesses. MCDEVCO can lend up to 40% of the total project through a seamless application and review process. Interested in learning more? Contact MCDEVCO today!
Micro Loan - Start or Boost Your Small Business
Micro Loans are small enterprise loans of $5,000 - $25,000 at a fixed 3% interest rate. These flexible short-term loans are intended for new and existing small businesses (with 10 or fewer employees).
MCDEVCO is the loan administrator for:
City of Wausau – Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund
Marathon County Revolving Loan Fund
Micro Loan Fund
Minority Loan Fund
Private Donor Loan Funds
Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS) Administration of Loans for Marathon County
Banks Line of Credit Participation and Administrative Services Agreement
Abby Bank
Intercity State Bank
Peoples State Bank
MCDEVCO Revolving Loan Funds
Eligibility & Guidelines:
Loan funds can be used to finance acquisition of existing businesses, land, building, and equipment; working capital; or construction/expansion projects
The business shall be obligated to maintain operations within Marathon County for the term of the loan
A minimum of 50% of the project cost must be funded by a private lender and at least 10% by personal equity
Job creation is typically one full-time position for every $35,000.00 loaned out by MCDEVCO
Interest rates vary and terms range between 5 and 10 years
Personal Guaranties are required
Not eligible for refinancing
The Revolving Loan Funds provide Financing for:
New small businesses
Existing small businesses that are expanding
Investment financing of larger projects that will support significant community/economic development
Projects that create and retain jobs (to include low-to-moderate income individuals)
Improvement of underserved and/or distressed areas
Development of Community Services
Equipment, inventory, working capital