Women’s Leadership Summit

Inside-Out Leadership Summit

Summit presenter, Stephanie Perkins, will support you in building and differentiating your business - you - through leadership, from the inside out. The day includes tackling leadership from two sides, building your ability to lead internally, whether a solopreneur or with a team, and external leadership with clients, messaging and negotiating.

Stephanie is a leadership expert and experienced solopreneur. Stephanie's energizing approach is anchored in brain-based science and practical tools to help individuals and teams level up. As a solopreneur, Stephanie led a successful coaching and consulting practice, as well as guiding businesses in building leadership capacity.

Friday, November 17, 2023 from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

  • Doors open at 8:00am; program starts promptly at 8:30am.

Program Cost is $75 | Lunch included | Scholarships Available


Sales & Use Tax Workshop


GEARS Certificate of Entrepreneurial Excellence - Starts September 12, 2023